2020 Vision Sermon
December 29, 2019
As we head into 2020 our theme for the year is "Living Faith". Living Faith begins with our peception of God. In I Samuel 4 Israel is in a quandry
They are losing battle after battle. The leaders got together to figure out the issue and decided they forgot God. The problem is they thought God
was a box. More specifically the Arc of the Covenant. This story translates to today because we feel like we are losing battles left and right
We keep trying to pull God in but its not working. Could it be that we have built our own God Box? In this sermon we explore how to escape the God box.
Selfie Centered
November 10, 2019 and December 8, 2019
The Selfie is now part of our culture. The funny thing is for a selfie to be a selfie the person taking the picture
has to be in the middle. Now there is a concept that we can talk about. In this series we are going to take a walk
with Jacob/Israel and look at a life that is selfie-centered.
I Quit
October 6, 2019 and November 3, 2019
Fed up with the status quo? The way things are isn't the way things have to be. God has a bigger plan for
our life and our church. But we have to be willing to change. Come see what happens when we're ready to say, "I quit."
40 Days of Prayer
August 18, 2019 and September 29, 2019
Life doesn’t always go as planned. At some point, you’ll face impossible obstacles and
barriers — situations that make you think there’s no way this is going to work out. But
God wants to help you handle uncertainty when it comes your way. He is ready and
willing to give you a breakthrough, but it doesn’t just happen spontaneously;
breakthroughs happen when you seek them. And the way you seek them is through prayer..
I Choose
July 21, 2019 and August 11, 2019
We are the result of our decisions. While we agonize over little things like what to wear and what to eat, are we glossing
over the big choices? There might be more on the line than you thought when you say “I Choose.”
Guest Speakers
July 7, 2019 and July 14, 2019
On July 7th Rich Anderson delivered our message from Jonah. On July 17th Dennis Crehan came from Mid Atlantic Chrisitan Church and spoke on the Sweet Spot of Jesus
Living in My Father's Shadow
June 2, 2019 to June 30, 2019
When you walk in somebody’s shadow the first things you notice is yours disappears. To continue to walk in their shadow
you must be willing to go where they go, stand where they stand and do what they do. In this series we will look at ministry
of Jesus and decide how to live in His Shadow.
Wonder Women of the Bible
April 28, 2019 to May 26, 2019
This is not a series about the GREAT women of the Bible. We know the stories of Sarah, Ruth, Naomi and Esther.
We know all about God's chosen vessel Mary. But Women played an important part it God's plans. In this series
we are going to look at 5 women and their stories to see what we can learn from their life experiences.
inspire us.
A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
March 24, 2019 to April 21, 2019
Jesus is inspiring. There is no better word to describe Him. In the sermon
series we are going to look as some inspired paintings of Christ and the Bible
stories that go with thsm in hopes of allowing their vision and His ministry to
inspire us.
Lord Teach Us to Pray
February 10, 2019 to March 17, 2019
Teach Us to Pray -- We are going to do prayer emphasis this year so it would probably
be a good idea for us to go back and study how to pray. What better way to do so then
to use the lesson Jesus taught when His Disciples asked teach us to pray.
What Happened at the Well?
January 6, 2019 to February 3, 2019
It's one of those well know stories in the Bible. Jesus meets the Samaritan women at
the well. The story covers about 42 verses in John Chapter 4. I'm sure if you have
been in church any amount of time you may have heard the story. But the question is do
you know what happened at the well?