Parkview Christian Church ~ 333 Churchville Avenue ~ Staunton, VA 24401 ~ (540) 324-4822


December 3rd to December 31st
When we think about Christmas and the Bible, we naturally think of Matthew’s account of the virgin birth and the visit of the Magi or Luke’s account of Gabriel’s visit to Mary and of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem. We think of the decree going out from Caesar Augustus, of Joseph and Mary going up from Nazareth to Bethlehem, and of Mary giving birth to Jesus in a manger. We think of the shepherds in the field, of the heavenly host announcing peace on earth to those of good will and of the shepherds finding the baby in the manger. This is what Christmas is all about, isn’t it? Well, yes, this is what Christmas is all about. And yet, there is more.
1. Jesus the Word Watch Listen Slides
2. The Word and God Watch Listen Slides
3. The Word Became
Watch Listen Slides
4. Light in the
Watch Listen Slides

October 1st to November 26th
When it comes to the Bible there are not many outside of Jesus that seem to get this in and of thing. However, there is one shinning example, Daniel and his companions. They were living captive in a pagan land. However, they managed to not only live godly, actually successfully impacted the culture around them. Here is the ironic thing; thet never held a rally, never signed a petition, and never voted to put the leader in place that would make his life easier. So how did they do it? Simple they took a Stand.
1. Stand Out Watch Listen Slides
2. Stand Humble Watch Listen Slides
3. Stand Firm Watch Listen Slides
4. Stand Truthful Watch Listen Slides
5. Stand Controlled Watch Listen Slides
6. Stand Up! Watch Listen Slides
7. Stand Prayerful Watch Listen Slides
8. Stand Strong Watch Listen Slides

Augusts 13th to September 24th
The Pharisees thought they had this living thing all figured out. They had disected and analyzed every thing God said and passed laws to guilt and even force people to live for God. But now there is a new sherrif (Sherrif Jesus) in town and he says... WHOA! His message is you have it all wrong. In Matthew 23 he proceeds to take their righteousness apart piece by piece indentifing it as worldly.
1. Follower or
Watch Listen Slides
2. Look to Me the
Watch Listen Slides
3. Come Follow Me
    the Lost Pharisee
Watch Listen Slides
4. Can You See a
    Blind Pharisee
Watch Listen Slides
5. I found a Pharisee
    Living in Me
Watch Listen Slides
6. The Good, the Bad
    and the Pharisee
Watch Listen Slides
7. The Hat Belongs to
    Me the Pharisee
Watch Listen Slides

The Big Blue Marble
July 2nd to August 6th
I used to watch this TV show as a kid called "The Big Blue Marble". It's features were to introduce kids to customs and cultures from all around the worl thus helping them understand how to relate to them. What a theme for a sermon series! God's "culture" is foriegn to the worldview. So how do we as Christians relate God's worldview to them?
1. Defining Your
Watch Listen Slides
2. Clash of Cultures Watch Listen Slides
3. Living a Seduced
Watch Listen Slides
4. To Whom do You
    Pledge Allegiance
Watch Listen Slides
5. Becoming the
    Bridge to
    the World
Watch Listen Slides

A Lot to Learn About Life
May7th to June 18th
If I was going to pick one Bible person that struggled with the in/of equation it would be Lot. Ironically the Bible called him a righteous man. So even in his "righteousness" he had major struggles. That makes him an relevent study in our quest to understand "In" not "Of" We are going to look at his life to see what went wrong and try to understand what made him righteous
1. Decision Time Watch Listen Slides
2. She Looked Back Watch Listen Slides
3. Caught in the
Watch Listen Slides
4. The Man in the
Watch Listen Slides
5. Hard Times
    are Coming
    (Gary Rose)
Watch Listen Slides
6. Danger Ahead Watch Listen Slides
7. Despicable Watch Listen Slides

March 5th to April 23rd
In Leviticus 23 God gives one day (to be done every week) and seven celebrations for the Isarelites to do through out the year. His goal was to give Israel moments to stop and focus on Him. Each celebration also pointed toward the coming Messiah and His kingdom. How does this tie to our theme for the year? Simple if you are going to live in but not of you have to take moments to focus on God, what he has done, is doing and will do.
1. The Sabbath
    (The Day of God)
Watch Listen Slides
2. The Passover
    (The Lamb of God)
Watch Listen Slides
3. The Feast of
    Unleavened Bread
    (God Consuming)
Watch Listen Slides
4. The Feast of
    (Bring in the
Watch Listen Slides
5. The Feast of Weeks
Watch Listen Slides
6. The Feast of
    (The Trumpet Blast)
Watch Listen Slides
7. The Day of
    (The Tale of Two
Watch Listen Slides
8. The Feast of
    (Pitch the Tent)
Watch Listen Slides

Chasing the Wind
January 8th to February 26th
If we are going to understand the concept of IN not Of then we have better get a really smart teacher. Fortunately a very wise man wrote a book on the topic. His name was Solomon. Unfortunately the book from the wise man was written after he spent a life time chasing the the wind. Thus the goal is not to do what Solomon did, but instead to learn from his life full of mistakes and regrets.
1. The Meaningless
Watch Listen Slides
2. The Pursuit of
Watch Listen Slides
3. Wisdom and
Watch Listen Slides
4. Never Ending
Watch Listen Slides
5. Being Remembered Watch Listen Slides
6. Possessed by
Watch Listen Slides
7. The Conclusion of
    the Matter
Watch Listen Slides

Kingdom Kids
5th Sundays: January 29th, April 30th, July 30th and October 29th
5th Sundays are Kid Sundays at Parkview Christian Church. These are Sundays where there is no children's church our children stay with us for the entire worship. In 2023 we are going to take a different approach. This is a sermon series designe for kids because its's about kids. We are going to take a look at four kids that changed their world by how they lived.
1. Josiah: The Boy
    King (King Me)
Watch Listen Slides
2. Samuel: The Called
    Boy (Call Received)
Watch Listen Slides
3. The Slave Girl:
    (Little Moments
    (The Butterfly
Watch Listen Slides
4. The Boy that
    Gave All
    (Does God want
    My Lunch Money?)
Watch Listen Slides