Parkview Christian Church ~ 333 Churchville Avenue ~ Staunton, VA 24401 ~ (540) 324-4822


Don't Move Until You See It
December 27, 2020
Our world has become so reactive. Unfortunately we the church have joined in the chorus. 2020 has revealed this fact In Psalm 46 God's people are told to be still and know God. The statement comes in verse 10 after the writer outlines all kinds of calamity and issues befalling the nation. Be Still! Seriously, God says don't react instead respond in a way that will turn attention to God. This will be our focus for 2021.
1. Don't Move Until You See It! Watch Listen Slides

Random Christmas
December 20, 2020
We are nearing the end of the very weird year of 2020. So many things have happened this year the word we have most often heard used in unprecedented. I'm not so sure that is true. Yes it have been a difficult year but could it be that what we see and chaotic random events are really part of an interconnected plan from God? This would not surprise me, just look at the random events of the first Christmas that turned out to be the ultimate plan to send Jesus the Messiah
1. Random Christmas Watch Listen Slides

Neil Wheeler from
Waypoint Church Partners

December 13, 2020
Neil Wheeler from Waypoint Church Partners stopped by to give us an update on their ministry and deliver a timely message about the need for the touch of Jesus.
1. In Touch with Jesus Watch Listen Slides

November 8, 2020 to December 6, 2020
Today we have "smart" phones, TVs, Cars, Refridgerators and even homes. They are called “smart” because of the notion of allowing previously inanimate objects to talk back to us and even guide our behavior. In this series we are going to examine "smart" faith. Not a faith that is just do's and don'ts but instead a faith that can speak to and guide our lives.
1. God in the Old Testament Watch Listen Slides
2. God in the Gospels Watch Listen Slides
3. God in the Church Age Watch Listen Slides
4. The Contract --- Part 1 Watch Listen Slides
5. The Contract --- Part 2 Watch Listen Slides

The Four Fantastic Foundations of Faith
October 11, 2020 to November 1, 2020
Our theme for this year has been living faith. Of course if we are going to live something it must first exist and to exist it must be built. We all know the importance of having a solid foundation for a building. This series is going to examine the four basic elements of the foundation of true faith. Putting these foundational pieces in place will ensure the faith we are building will support our lives.
1. A Rock Solid Foundation
   (The Thing)
Watch Listen Slides
2. A Passionate Foundation
   (The Human Torch)
Watch Listen Slides
3. Focused and Stretchy
   (The Invisible Woman)
Watch Listen Slides
4. Transparent but not Invisible
   (Invisible Woman)
Watch Listen Slides

Something's Missing
August 16, 2020 to October 4, 2020
Do you ever get the feeling something is just missing from your faith? You are doing and saying the right things, but honestly you faith life is like a doughnut with a big empty hole in the middle. This series is all about the hole. It's about helping you see how to have a more satisfying faith.
1. Trust Watch Listen Slides
2. Submission Watch Listen Slides
3. Obedience Watch Listen Slides
4. Forgiveness Watch Listen Slides
5. Authenticity Watch Listen Slides
6. Vision Watch Listen Slides
7. Action Watch Listen Slides
8. Followership Watch Listen Slides

Jesus Tweets
July 5, 2020 to August 9, 2020
Jesus Tweets: Jesus said some sometimes profound and sometimes confusing things about faith. Often times these statements were short and sweet much like a tweet. But while short they can be difficult to understand and even more difficult to implement.
1. Free Bird (Mark 12:17) Watch Listen Slides
2. Healthy Bird (Mark 2:17) Watch Listen Slides
3. Squeezed Bird (Mark 10:25) Watch Listen Slides
4. Battered Bird (Mark 5:39) Watch Listen Slides
5. Blind Bird (Matthew 5:28) Watch Listen Slides
6. Discerning Bird (Matthew 7:6) Watch Listen Slides

Father of the Bride
May 17, 2020 to June 28, 2020
The church is known as the "Bride of Christ." If you have ever been part or near a wedding you know its all about the bride. God feels that way about us. He loved us so much that he worked tirelessly and sacrificially to bring us back into a relationship with him. In this series we are going to explore how God the father put together our faith path.
1. The Foundation of Love Watch Listen Slides
2. Here Comes the Bride Watch Listen Slides
3. Meet the Bridegroom Watch Listen Slides
4. Unexpected Expectations Watch Listen Slides
5. The Bride Price Watch Listen Slides
6. The Wedding Gift Watch Listen Slides
7. The Wedding Ceremony Watch Listen Slides

The Day I Met Jesus
April 19, 2020 to May 10, 2020
Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ met face-to-face with people just like you. Broken, imperfect, sometimes fearful and without hope. The Day I Met Jesus is a sermon series that explores the remarkable encounters of four women in the Gospels who were desperate to find wholeness, security, and purpose. Like all of us, these women struggled with the regrets of their pasts, the stresses of their presents, and the worries of their tomorrows. (Based off a book of like title)
1. Mercy and Grace Watch Listen Slides
2. Foregiveness and Salvation Watch Listen Slides
3. Healing and Freedom Watch Listen Slides
4. Hope and Life Watch Listen Slides

The Easter Experience
March 1, 2020 to April 12, 2020
The Easter Experience (Kyle Idleman): Easter is much more than just a holiday. The Easter Experience will explore the life-changing meaning of Easter. Featuring dramatic story-telling with Biblical teaching, The Easter Experience brings the passion and resurrection of Christ to life
1. Dismissed Watch Listen Slides
2. Rejected Watch Listen Slides
3. Tortured Watch Listen Slides
4. Deserted Watch Listen Slides
5. Undecided Watch Listen Slides
6. Accepted Watch Listen Slides
7. Follow
    Easter KidTime
Watch Watch Listen Slides

Visions of Faith
January 5, 2020 to February 23, 2020
Some might ask, "How can the contents of a book written nearly twenty-five hundreds years ago have anything to do with me?" The truth is that Jeremiah's prophetic words regarding God's people are just as relevant today as the day were written. This eight week series will introduce us to the man and his message by exploring the vision God gave him to call his people to repentance.
1. The Call of Jeremiah Watch Listen Slides
2. The Two Sins Watch Listen Slides
3. The Buried Belt Watch Listen Slides
4. The Potter'sf House Watch Listen Slides
5. The Broken Vessel Watch Listen Slides
6. The Baskets of Figs Watch Listen Slides
7. The Broken Yoke Watch Listen Slides
8. The Purchased Field (Online Only) Watch Listen Slides