November 14, 2021 to December 26, 2021
We love the image of us as sheep. Peacefully grazing on rolling slopes, drinking from a babbling brook, lying in the
lush green grass. Unfortunately we have become so enthralled with the the image that we have forgotten, Jesus
never called us to be sheep. We have totally messed up the picture. Jesus said that left alone we are like sheep.
More importantly we are sheep that stray. Jesus came to seek and save the lost but once he found them he gave them
a calling. He called us to be shepherds, and that picture looks much different.
Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood
October 3, 2021 to November 7, 2021
The ministries of our congregation have spanned eight decades. The first seventy-five years as Staunton Church of
Christ the past five years as Parkview Christian Church. During those eighty years our neighborhood has under gone
many changes. As we come into a post pandemic climate the church is going to have to adapt too what is a very different
culture. We best learn who are the people in our neighbor and figure out how to minister to their needs.
The Tabernacle
August 15, 2021 to September 26, 2021
There is probably no better way to understand who God is than to study how God related to humanity. One of the
earliest forms of that relationship was the Tabernacle. In this series we are going to look at 7 elements of the
Tabernacle and see what they say about God
July 11, 2021 to August 8, 2021
As we turn the page from "Be Still" and begin to discuss "Know that I am God", we begin at the beginning
The Creation event is such a foundational event for knowing God. There is just so much we can learn about
who he is. This series is just going to skim the surface as we look at 5 aspects of the nature of God found in
No One Can Serve Two Masters
July 4, 2021
Guest Speaker Azariah Clements explores Our struggles with serving two masters
Who is Jesus?
June 27, 2021
Guest Speaker Gary Rose explores the all important Question: Who do you say this Jesus is?
May 9, 2021 to June 20, 2021
Everybody loves a good hero. However, we can also learn a ton from the "villians" of the Bible. That's what we are
going to do. Starting on Mother's Day and Ending on Father's day we are going to study "villans" of the Bible that
refused to be still. Of course there are an entire host of Disney Villians to play along with our characters turn
what could be a dark series into fun learning
The Guardians of Faith
March 21, 2021 to May 2, 2021
Many things in the world make afraid. It seems fear abounds around every corner. The darkness seems to be spreading.
But God says be still and fear not. We must allow our faith to guard our hearts and calm our spirits. But how you may ask.
Simple we need to put into practice the guardians God has given us. We must allow them to flow through us making us a shininng
light in the middle of the darkness.
The Flash Living Life in the Slow Lane
February 21, 2021 to March 21, 2021
Faster, we need to go faster. That's the message our world is giving us. We have become a people that live
life not only in the fast lane, not only in overdrive mode, but in total burn out mode. One of the casualties
of this mindset is what we miss as we swoosh through life from one moment to the next. Fact before we can
"Be Still" we have to first learn to slow down. Thus in this series we are going ot look at four valuable
lessons we can only learn when we go slow.
Spiritual Disciplines of Stillness
January 3, 2021 to February 14, 2021
Being still is not the same as doing nothing. There is much we can learn from a time of stillness. However,
to be still we have some disciplines we need to learn. In this series we will look and 7 spiritual disciplines
that can only be shaped