Parkview Christian Church ~ 333 Churchville Avenue ~ Staunton, VA 24401 ~ (540) 886-5560

Children's Ministry
Bible Study
Wayfinders Ministry
Puppet Ministry

What is a Wayfinder?

The name comes from the original name of the church “The Way” combined with the Jesus’ statement that he is “the Way the truth and the light.” The idea is Wayfinders are people that are focused on helping other find “the way”

What is the Wayfinder Ministry?

It is a unique outreached base small group ministry. Each group gets together once a month at the church or in a home. During this time, they have a time of prayer, at time of study, and then a time of preparation. The time of preparation is for the group to pick an event to go out and do an event in the community (fellowship). During the month there is a second group meeting where the members get together and do the event they planned from the previous month. After the event the group is encourage to go have a time of fellowship.

What is a Wayfinder Event?

It could be anything but here is the loose outline of a Wayfinder event.

     1. It should be away from the building
     2. It should do something for the community
     3. It should offer a form of sharing the gospel or inviting other to come to an event at the church.